Products liability cases can be complex, requiring extensive investigation, expert analysis, and legal expertise to establish liability and secure compensation for the victims. It is crucial for individuals who believe they have been harmed by a defectively designed or manufactured product to consult with an experienced products liability lawyer to evaluate their case. You need to understand your rights and we will navigate the legal process to pursue proper compensation for your injuries and damages. Call today for a free consultation from Eos Law at (602) 825-3770. 

Products Liability Lawyer | Eos Law | Products Liability Lawyer Near Me
Products Liability Lawyer | Eos Law | Products Liability Lawyer Near Me

If you have utilized, consumed, purchased, or been exposed to any product that has caused an injury, our product liability attorneys will help you with your personal injury claim. If you are a surviving family member of someone who may have died from the use, exposure, consumption, purchase, of a dangerous or defective product, it’s important that you know your legal rights. 

Companies have a legal and ethical obligation to ensure that the products they make will not harm the people who use or purchase them. When an accident or injury does occur due to a company’s negligence, they have a responsibility to compensate the victim or their family. Even in scenarios where there may be uncertainty as to if an injury is compensable, it is advisable to seek consultation from knowledgeable product liability lawyers. 

Products liability in Arizona

Arizona’s products liability law provides legal recourse for individuals who have been harmed or injured due to defective or unsafe products. Products liability cases generally involve situations where a product’s design, manufacturing process, or labeling is found to be defective or insufficient, leading to harm or injury to consumers. Under Arizona law, there are several legal theories of liability that can be pursued by victims in such cases.

Products Liability Lawyer | Eos Law | Products Liability Lawyer Near Me
Products Liability Lawyer | Eos Law | Products Liability Lawyer Near Me

One common theory of liability is strict liability, which holds manufacturers, distributors, and sellers responsible for injuries caused by defects in their products, regardless of whether they were negligent. To establish strict liability, the injured party needs to prove that the product had a defect that made it unreasonably dangerous, the defect caused the injury, and the product reached the consumer without substantial changes. 

Another theory of liability is negligence, where the injured party must demonstrate that the manufacturer, distributor, or seller failed to exercise reasonable care in designing, manufacturing, or providing proper warnings for the product, resulting in the injury. Additionally, victims may also pursue claims based on breach of warranty, including express or implied warranties, when the product does not meet the promises or expectations made by the manufacturer or seller.

Product liability law protects consumers from injury caused by the use of unsafe products. Whether those products are food items, appliances, motor vehicles and other motorized equipment, pharmaceuticals, medical devices (or their packaging), children’s toys, or clothing items, you should be able to use them without suffering negative consequences. If you or someone you love has been injured, our products liability lawyer will help you. 

What to do if you’re injured by a product

If you suffered a serious injury after an accident resulting from someone’s negligence, even before you contact our products liability lawyer, you should take some preliminary steps. 

  1. Get medical attention for your injury. Keep your receipts, and follow your doctor’s treatment instructions. The amount of damages listed in your personal injury claim will include your treatment costs.
  2. Keep notes of what the doctor told you about your prognosis, the treatment recommendation, doctor’s visits and the status of your injury.
  3. Photograph your injury during its various stages, from when you were first injured and before and after treatments. This will be helpful in order to show the severity of your injury.
  4. Note the contact names and phone numbers of witnesses of the accident, what they told you about the accident, etc. You will likely need to pass this information on to your personal injury lawyer.
  5. Request a copy of the police accident report. A lawyer will need to view it.
  6. Contact the products liability lawyer at Eos Law to help you pursue justice. 

Contact our products liability lawyer today for a free consultation

If you have been injured as a result of using a defective product, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses. You should contact our products liability lawyer immediately to discuss the details of your case and learn more about whether or not you have legal recourse against the person who sold or manufactured the item that injured you. 

Our attorneys have the experience to protect your legal rights and get you the compensation you deserve. Our firm has helped numerous clients in Arizona and collected just damages on their behalf. Our lawyers will give you an honest assessment of your case, so you can choose the best path to a brighter tomorrow. 

Products Liability Lawyer | Eos Law | Products Liability Lawyer Near Me
Products Liability Lawyer | Eos Law | Products Liability Lawyer Near Me